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Grain Carts
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Cliff SEIA
Posted 8/10/2006 20:36 (#34496 - in reply to #34479)
Subject: RE: Grain Carts

Our first grain cart was a Brent 472 (just under 500 bushel) and it was a perfect match for our 1086. We used that combination from '98 through '02 with no problems. I think the Brent carts are balanced a little better than some brands and the 23.1x26 tires our's had helped it pull easier in soft conditions. In '03 we sold that cart to buy a Brent 774 and I wouldn't even consider putting it on a 150 hp tractor and taking it to the field. Last fall we bought a rough JD 500 cart to have around for an overflow cart but we really wish we would have just kept the 472 when we bought the 774. The 500 gets the job done for what we paid for it but it's not nearly as nice of a cart to use as the Brent and with it's short wheel base it doesn't pull as nice either.

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