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Posted 8/10/2006 20:30 (#34493 - in reply to #34477)
Subject: RE: Well, OK, I'll tell you why not....

SW KS, near Dodge City
Because it would be a huge PITA to load from a grain cart. Notice those neat little round access ports on top? Do you want to try to hit that with the grain cart auger at 11:00 at night when the dust is flying? I know all the unit trains only have small (relatively) ports on top to load, but they're also loading from an elevator spout that's designed only for that purpose.

I would bet that by the time you buy/fab all of the parts it would be just as cheap, and probably cheaper, to buy a grain trailer for hauling and a straight truck for your seed needs.

I agree that it's a great idea, but if you notice the conditions they're dumping into... Well, I don't know about where you farm, but I know I've never seen a stainless steel grain bin, so I'm assuming that whatever they're hauling is probably pretty high-value. Something along the lines of an industrial-use product would be my guess.

Just my .001 cent.

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