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Grain Carts
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Mark (EC,IN)
Posted 8/10/2006 19:53 (#34479)
Subject: Grain Carts

Schlegel Farms, Hagerstown Indiana
Want any and all info you have on grain carts.

I've been using a 600bu. truck and wagons that haul 600bu. I can make a round trip and keep the combine moving, but would like to get the tractor and wagons off the road and haul with truck only.

What is the ideal size cart...what your truck holds...combine hopper and cart fill truck? Cart would be on a 4430 or a 1086 tractor.

Local dealer has used Parker (450 bu.) with side auger and 2 18.4 tires, and a four wheel Parker with a front auger. Is there a big downside to the four wheel model? Front auger? I'd like to stay under $6-7 thousand

What about other brands..Killbros, A&L, Brent, Kinze, Unverferth(sp).
Neighbor has a 1210 JD. Any brands to stay away from (can't get parts anymore etc.)?

... TIA ............................Mark
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