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No till set up?
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Ed Winkle
Posted 8/10/2006 13:23 (#34390 - in reply to #34299)
Subject: Re: No till set up?

Martinsville, Ohio
I use Paul's setup.

I like the JD single disk fertilizer opener to cut my trash and inject my fertilizer. I usually use nitrogen and sulfur put you can put any combination you want there. I keep the opener 1 inch off the row per 30 lbs. of N so I usually run 2 inches for 20 gallons of UAN etc.

No coulter in the furrow prevents hairpinning of trash and sidewall slabbing which was my problem using the typical notill coulter setup in furrow.

As Paul points out you can plant corn or beans with this setup with good success.

When I spent the money to set the planter up as his website well shows I received more returns for my investment than any setup I had tried previously.

Good Luck however you decide to set up your planter.

Ed Winkle
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