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unit mounted coulters for planter
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Posted 8/10/2006 12:27 (#34374 - in reply to #34356)
Subject: RE: Another questiion for Jim

Driftless SW Wisconsin
If the "picked" corn is largely still standing upright with few stalks on the ground then I would go with a row cleaner only. If there are a fair number of long, tough Bt stalks on the ground in the spring then I would go with the 1572 Combo as pictured above. In either case make sure you have heavy duty down pressure springs.

In the sod I also like the 1572 pictured above with the Ripple blade. In sod the Trashwheels are run up high barely touching the ground just leveling the surface. It is impossible to clear a completely black strip in alfalfa sod. The Trashwheels are just trying to provide a level surface for the gage wheels to run on for uniform seed depth.

In killed sod it is very important that your vee openers be set and shimmed so that you cannot pass a business card easily between the blades for about 1-1/2" near the ground entry point. This may require shimming and/or blade replacement. You want a VEE seed slot, not a "W".

Also in sod we find one of the most important and difficult part of planting is getting the slot closed with good seed to soil contact. Depending on soil type or moisture at planting this can be a challenge or no problem.

Our Curvetine closing wheel does a good job in sod as well as between your corn rows above where it may still be rather wet at planting time. Often we use just one CT + one std rubber. However in sod the best system to close is two CT per row. In heavy sod the rubber tire will sometimes prevent the CT Teeth from getting down where they need to be. Note these will also work in loose worked ground or your corn stalks. Just lighten or tighten the closer spring pressure. On a 7000 or 7100 I strongly suggest you change the tailpiece to one with easy spring adjustment rather than the original, usually frozen up bolt. Tail piece conversion kits are available through JD dealers, Kinze dealers or other sources. jmho.

Jim at Dawn
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