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No till set up?
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Posted 8/10/2006 07:05 (#34284)
Subject: No till set up?

Tekonsha, Michigan
Switching a JD 7000 to no till? My fields are corn/soy rotation and some times corn on corn rotation. The field make up is never flat, always rocky and can range from sandy loam to clay loam to muck and then gravel. I have also planned on trying some cover cropping and have acquired some new ground that is planted to alfalfa and clover. For you no tillers what would be the best set up, my neighbor runs 2 coulters on the front tool bar, both are set 2 inches off the center of the row. On the row unit he has a semi floating residue manager (modified fixed unit). Stock 7000 seed opener and stock trench closer's. Works very well and I am planning on copying but really would like some other opinions before spending all this money.

Sorry so long!
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