Saskatchewan, big whitetail country!!! | In 2009, I bought some land which was farmed fairly poorly and was COVERED in dandelions. Sprayed with a heavy rate of glyp. and seeded into it. When I was digging for seed depth, and just digging around because I love to dig regardless, I found something that completely backs up this study. I found amazing soil structure. I mean, structure from heaven, that I have not seen before or since. I found amazing earthworm populations. I found visible VAM populations. This is long term no till land, and I have continued to no till it. Those stupid dandelions built up a structure in that soil that I aim to preserve. Who would have thought?
I made a connection to the healthy dandelion population. It was the only thing different about this land than my own.
Interesting study... It seems familiar, and I believe I made a similar post about my personal experience at one point. |