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How to set corn head-high ears
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brad c
Posted 8/9/2006 10:18 (#34046 - in reply to #34020)
Subject: RE: How to set corn head-high ears

Carbondale, KS
Run the header low enough to catch those low stragglers and don't worry about it. Picking the corn is 1st priority. Now i know notill starts w/the previous years harvest but stalks standing in the air are much easier to deal w/than residue laying on the ground. If poking, tearing or knocking something off w/the stalks next spring is your concern, then chains, pipe, and such to push the stalks in the direction of travel will work. Zip ties, used in liberal quantities, can be used to protect wiring on your planter and drill. I would say the last thing you want to do is mow it and put all that residue on the ground and have to work through it next spring.

That's how we handle it. We actually like the tall varieties w/high ear placement if it yields good - just more residue.
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