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Trackframes. How long is too long??
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dave morgan
Posted 8/9/2006 09:01 (#34035 - in reply to #34028)
Subject: Re: Trackframes. How long is too long??

Somerville, Indiana
all the slack is right behind the drive sprocket hitting the first bottom roller with a vengence...Quickest way to throw a steel track there is as that slack makes it way to the front idler.

never back up any more than necessary, track wears on the root of the sprocket on top of already mentioned slack in the wrong place.

I have seen old time hard headed Cat skinners run in reverse to move...wish they could see the rails hitting that first bottom roller.

On the 'carryall' the rear idler is too far to the rear to economically be a sprocket, salesman BS aside.

Edited by dave morgan 8/9/2006 09:03
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