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Cummins Big Cam IV Heating problems
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Posted 8/9/2006 01:01 (#33975)
Subject: Cummins Big Cam IV Heating problems

Carter Montana
Our Big Cam IV in a 85 KW W-900 constantly runs too hot with all the baloney that comes with the heating package. Constantly leaking, Reverse flow radiator with a single 1 in. feed hose, two thermostats at $300 a pop and too much reliance on the intercooler for cooling make me wonder how Cummins ever sold any of these things.

I've got a fortune into a rebuild through a reputable dealer, including a new intercooler, but it didn't help a thing. The radiator loses water around the top tank gasket despite multiple rebuilds when you try to use it hard causing me to suspect a cracked head through "blow by". Putting a pressure gauge on the radiator indicates this is not the case as the Radiator never has more than 5 pounds of pressure in it and usually has none when its being pulled.

Is a change over to a Big Cam 3 heating package economically realistic, or am I better off repowering with an N-15?

Neither option is cheap, but I have too much into the truck to sell it now.
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