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Half Century. Can you take UTV's?
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GM Guy
Posted 8/24/2013 23:38 (#3286889 - in reply to #3283591)
Subject: Re: Half Century. Can you take UTV's?

Walking at ag shows is the only real excercise I get :) luckily I inherited my old man's height (6' 4") and I can walk all day. If you are old, or got young kids, I dont mind wheeled assistance, but the people that run you over and park in your way make me want to chain the cart to a piece of equipment.

My biggest beef with walking is the bags of brochures dig into your hands I take a backpack and put the bulk in there and bag the rest. I got my front end weight package I got in college (beer gut) so a backpack doesnt work half bad. :)
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