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Half Century. Can you take UTV's?
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Posted 8/23/2013 21:21 (#3285004 - in reply to #3283591)
Subject: RE: Half Century. Can you take UTV's?

SW Minnesota
I thought the same thing when my son and I got there - we're still young (well, at least one of us is!) and a day of exercise is good for a person. Well, after walking from one end to the other, then back again, then over this way...... it got to be a LOT of walking. At noon they were announcing that there were some golf carts available (when we got there in the morning, all the carts were supposedly pre-booked in advance - none available to rent on the spot) so we went over and got one for the rest of the day. So much easier to get around after that - if we go again in 2 years, I will definitely get one booked in advance!
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