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Power beyond hydraulics
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Posted 8/10/2013 14:51 (#3259628)
Subject: Power beyond hydraulics

Frytown, Iowa
Say your pump flow is rated at 22 gpm and you need 26 to run a planter and vac properly. Will a power beyond remote pick you up some flow? The ratings from the pump are through the regular remotes, right? but the power beyond is free flow. Wondering if I was short on hydraulics if hooking up a power beyond to the vac would free up enough additional gpm to raise planter and markers with the remaining hydraulics.

Also was talking to my uncle who was looking at similar set up and was saying cyclone planters had a oil pump and cooler on the hitch of their planter and you can take off the oil cooler and plumb your hydraulic oil on your planter hitch (john deere) to cool your oil if your pushing hydraulic flow. Anyone done this?

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