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JD 4840 Powershift issues
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Posted 8/2/2013 22:08 (#3244760)
Subject: JD 4840 Powershift issues

York, Ontario
Have 2 4840s. One has 10,000 hrs and we redid the rear end last year in it...the surfaces of many of the power shift disks let go...brake discs as well. While we were in there we replaced all the bearings and put the kit in it to prevent the end play on the pto...replaced the axle bearings as well....Bill was $28,000 at our Ontario Deere dealer. Now the other 4840 (has 7400hrs) is slipping in 5th and 6th gear and the dealer checked it out and there is no issue in the valves so we are told that there is an internal leak in the B4 brake/clutch pack... We pulled a 7,000 gallon manure tank with it last year and am wondering if that was hard on it...? Anyways any suggestions or ideas on how not to spend $28,000 on this 4840 too?
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