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what air system for bins is best and cheap
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Posted 8/1/2006 23:32 (#31862 - in reply to #31814)
Subject: Re: what air system for bins is best and cheap

Aberdeen MS
I don't have a problem with your positions at all ron, honestly and truthfully.

I don't have the writing skill of some that post on the board and most times what I try to get across doesn't come across well for interpretation. I apoplogize for my lack of writing skills in my attempts to answer your questions in other posts.

I was just trying to get an idea as to why 10K/hour wouldn't be adequate in the future. "Here" when a setup gets replaced (which I can't think of any recently), it's from storm damage or it's worn out. Replacement doesn't occur due to lack of capacity. A second set up in a different local maybe.

Sorry if my post came across as a slam...wasn't inteneded that way at all. And it certainly wasn't directed to you personally. I thought you were talking in general, not of your own personal needs or experiences.
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