Tip of the Thumb of Michigan | 55's had more hydraulic PSI. 2530psi over the 2250 in the 30-50. Guys run vacuum 12 row planters with 4440 all the time, so they will have decent flow. If it's in your budget get 4440 over a 4430. I have both and use them all the time and the 4430 is capable, but the 40 is so much more heavily built and it drives like it. You need a 1/4 of the foot pressure when split braking, the 3 point is heavier, bigger fuel tank, the 466 is awesome. I think the overall weight it around 1000-1500# more. The sound gaurd body is old, but I can still put in lots of long days very comfortably. All the levers are where they are supposed to be.
Edited by arcticcatfarmer 6/11/2013 11:06