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Air systems for filling bins
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Ron..NE ILL..10/48
Posted 7/29/2006 23:13 (#31059 - in reply to #31050)
Subject: RE: Air systems for filling bins...ours

Chebanse, IL.....


We have a Brock also. Probably similar to yours. Ours is 20hp-but I think the blowers are all the same except for drive pulley sizing.

We don't do much special & we don't put it away either. I would recommend running it once a month though. If you have a way to open a pipe (selector valve?), do that so moisture doesn't blow into a bin & let it go for 5 minutes. Last yr we did let it sit over the summer & moisture travelled down that feed tube & stuck the feed meter. Bin service guy just came out & put a big wrench on shaft & wiggled them loose. So now I run it monthly. Not stuck this year!

When we put up our first bin in 1961, my Dad & uncle used to take the fan/burner off the bin (3000 bu) & put it in the shed for the winter. I doubt many people do that any more though either. Now we'd need an 80x100 shed to store fans/burners in if we did! Mice did chew thru the canvas transition ring seal though.

Edited by Ron..NE ILL..10/48 7/29/2006 23:14
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