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What is a garden worth? I killed one, and she ain't happy!
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Posted 5/16/2013 20:26 (#3100977 - in reply to #3099274)
Subject: Re: What is a garden worth? I killed one, and she ain't happy!

I have mine custom sprayed for just that reason. My neighbor called last Saturday and said they were spraying. I guess she didn't realize that we sprayed. She was real upset when she saw them coming over the hill 1/8 mile from her house. It froze that night so I am betting that she thinks they got her trees that were blossoming. They might have got the one that was planted in the fence row but every thing else should be OK. Probably that one is too with what was sprayed but I am glad it is the coops problem.
It is my understanding ANY garden is worth $1500 around here. I know several people who plan on an insurance settlement when they plant them.

Edited by IADAVE 5/16/2013 20:28
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