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What is a garden worth? I killed one, and she ain't happy!
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Posted 5/14/2013 17:41 (#3097884 - in reply to #3097796)
Subject: Re: What is a garden worth? I killed one, and she ain't happy!

That would be expensive...for you and the guy that was spraying. I know enough to stay away from apple trees with 24D and I've heard horror stories about apples and Command.

I just watched the neighbors spraying corn ground next to us this afternoon. Wind at 15 to 20 with gust from 25 to 30 out of the south and we have conventional beans coming up just to the north of it. We'll see what happens I guess. It looked like most of it was flying over our field and hitting the houses on the other side. I'm hoping he was just spraying 28% but I don't think he was. This guy has got us before and he doesn't really care what the wind is like. I still have a lot of spraying to do but I parked it for the day about mid morning. Even the coop stopped and that's saying something. I think he took the log chain joke seriously.
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