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It was not the Chinese, it was the Canadians!
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Ron..NE ILL..10/48
Posted 4/17/2013 05:48 (#3041301 - in reply to #3041179)
Subject: RE: More misinformation

Chebanse, IL.....

Actually, Dave doesn't the pilgrim guy seem to be on a perpetual anti-glyphosate campaign? It's not like he's concerned about his farm, it's the whole universe. A couple of yrs ago he was coming up w/data showing that glyphosate ate up phosphate, or zinc or something. Then it was detectable in his hog manure...or something.

I suspect there is some underlying reason for his anti-glyphosate campaign other than for the good of mankind. Seems like there are much larger threats to the existance of mankind than the use of this herbicide that in itself is not poisonous to anything except many plant species. 

Maybe I'm wrong & he adds constructively to other subject threads, but for some reason his anti-glyphosate thing stands out the most to me. 

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