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It was not the Chinese, it was the Canadians!
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Dave Seck
Posted 4/16/2013 21:53 (#3040929 - in reply to #3040152)
Subject: RE: More misinformation

SC Kansas - Hutchinson
Why your fixation on roundup pilgrim? It seems to me that it is the safest crop protection product on our farm. What about parquat, liberty, dual, harness, lasso, flexstar, pursuit, banvel, 24D, capture, aztec, force, lorsban and on and on. Seriously, some of this stuff demands careful handling and responsible use. All can build up in the soil. All can end up in the grain. All pose a greater health risk than roundup. It seems to me that picking on roundup becase of saftey concerns is much to do about nothing. What crop protection products do you use on your farm?
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