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It was not the Chinese, it was the Canadians!
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paul the original
Posted 4/16/2013 14:11 (#3039779 - in reply to #3039640)
Subject: Re: It was not the Chinese, it was the Canadians!

southern MN
These issues are typically religious type of thing, very faith based. No amount of logic or science will make any difference.

And that is fine.

I'm glad we live in a society that has choices available, and generally an economy that allows all of us to use those choices. I don't want them to do anything other than their choice.

It gets more troublesome to me when folks try to indoctrinate or persuade others to join their 'religion' on this, and have no facts or basis to support their beliefs.

That makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

You and a few others do a nice job of presenting your side of this issue around here, without being pushy about it.

The stuff shown in this thread is based on beliefs, and 'I said so but I can't show so' and that kind of testimonial.

About as far as is worth looking at it, just doesn't mean anything to me. As I've looked at these claims over the years, they always appear to be lies built upon lies, with someone selling a book in the background and doing the pay-per-speech circuit.

But it means something to you, and I should respect that much.

I'm glad we live in a free country with choices.

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