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It was not the Chinese, it was the Canadians!
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paul the original
Posted 4/16/2013 09:38 (#3039313 - in reply to #3039287)
Subject: Re: It was not the Chinese, it was the Canadians!

southern MN
Ok. I'm looking at the mg line, which has an asterisk.

All four tests on mg show 0.097, 0.095, 0.100, and 0.093

I see no test at 1.000 as you claim?

The total difference from the very high to the very low is 0.007

Is 0.007 all that big a deal for such a test?

Now if you were right with your numbers, I would agree that is significant. But the actual test is 0.007 different...

Just trying to understand what is actually being claimed here.

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