To follow up on Pilgrim's previous thread My agronomist says the Chinese have this information about GM vs. non-Gm corn composition, now we have a source from Canada, or at least a messenger. We still don't know anything about the validity of the comparison, like where and how, but it does look a little more valid and worrying. It would at least be worthy of separate analyses to confirm the discrepancy for calcium and magnesium and the presence of metaldehyde. The web site below published the analysis in full, but they didn't seem to have performed any form of investigation. Edit: They actually have a video with the farmer Howard Vlieger (Maurice, Iowa) who grew this crop or lived nearby: It's 1 hour long, so I'll summarize: The samples came from 2 side by side fields separated by a fencerow in the Midwest in 2012, samples were collected pre-harvest, the non-GM corn field has been GM-free for 5 years, the GM field has been on a glyphosate program for 10 years, corn on corn for the previous 5 years. The lab technician seems to be sure of his results. So even if conditions are not perfect for a comparison test (we don't know which cultivars were used, how much Roundup was used, etc.), these seem to be real life results. Vlieger also mentions studies showing an effect of glyphosate or formaldehyde on livestock's beneficial gut bacteria that control botulism, especially in wet weather. Well OK, I didn't summarize the whole interview, just the first 15 minutes. ;)
Edited by Chimel 4/15/2013 23:58