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Fuel storage requirements.......
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Posted 4/2/2013 22:17 (#3009570 - in reply to #3009511)
Subject: Re: Fuel storage requirements.......

Crawfordsville, Arkansas
Sheep Herder - 4/2/2013 20:56

I was told they have to be a certain distance from any building to qualify as legal (10', 15' ???).   I can't imagine you can put it in a building, let alone call a building a containment structure.

Oil tanks and such can be inside a building. EPA calls 4 walls "impervious". Can be concrete, steel, dirt, or whatever won't leak.

We went through 7 transport tanker loads of fuel last year. We have two 10,000 gallon tanks and lots of 550 and 1000 gallon tanks sitting at irrigation wells. Our retaining wall has been done for 3 or 4 years. There were tons of meetings by the fuel suppliers, engineers, and FSA about this deal. The word about the steel wall buildings being a legal containment wall were from a few different PE engineers. All said 4 walls and a roof that can be sealed off ie closed would be legal.

If I get by the oil co. tomorrow I will get the exact wording of it. Another thing is how the EPA calls a "farm". A farm could be a few fields. 2 wells with 550 gallon tanks would be under the SPCC law. Not a big deal for most of the US but for us irrigated farmers with dozens of wells and tanks its a big deal. Total gallonage for us is over 40,000. Split it up amongst farm numbers and count out the "mobile" tanks and we get back down to a manageable number.

Edited by Detroit 4/2/2013 22:21
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