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is the IH 3588 the best tractor ever.
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Posted 4/2/2013 20:00 (#3009001 - in reply to #3008965)
Subject: Re: is the IH 3588 the best tractor ever.

central - east central Minnesota -

Chris 924 - 4/2/2013 19:51 lol i never said it was my favorite , or it was nice to drive, or reliable, none of that , the one time i drove it, it was poison, i guess i should have questioned it bit different, " was the idea of the 2+2 the best ever?" let's say it's 1980, you want one tractor for everything, your looking at brochures , one would have to think it would be the one you want. also why did deere not come out with one , we know it would have been alot better, say a 4840 done up 2+2 style , that would have been cool!

The White 4x4's were capable of row crop work and were much more reliable (for the most part),

Comparing Apples and Oranges, I'd say the White 4-210 would be closest to a 3788 or 6788 ant-eater.
The differentials were too weak on the 2+2's. as they were being used as a heavy tillage tractor.
I recall a distant neighbor pulling a 40ft field cult with a 3788.

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