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is the IH 3588 the best tractor ever.
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Chris 924
Posted 4/2/2013 19:51 (#3008965 - in reply to #3008850)
Subject: Re: is the IH 3588 the best tractor ever.

Nova Scotia
lol i never said it was my favorite , or it was nice to drive, or reliable, none of that , the one time i drove it, it was poison, i guess i should have questioned it bit different, " was the idea of the 2+2 the best ever?" let's say it's 1980, you want one tractor for everything, your looking at brochures , one would have to think it would be the one you want. also why did deere not come out with one , we know it would have been alot better, say a 4840 done up 2+2 style , that would have been cool!
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