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is the IH 3588 the best tractor ever.
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Posted 4/2/2013 19:42 (#3008941 - in reply to #3008868)
Subject: Re: is the IH 3588 the best tractor ever.

You could get through some tough spots (=wet). Dad bought a 3388 new back in the day (?78-79) I was 12 or 13. Was our "big" tractor then. Remember a old(er) mechanic telling dad they had good ones and bad ones off the assy. line. 3388 was good for us, bought a (very) used 3588 for cheap h.p., was not so cheap. Still have the 3388 and is a good snow moving machine when tied to the box scraper. Not good for much else though. Other than PTO duty.
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