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Fuel storage requirements.......
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Posted 4/2/2013 19:41 (#3008938)
Subject: Fuel storage requirements.......

Central Kansas a letter from my fuel supplier pointing out the options I have to comply......what a $%#@*! Don't quite understand, I have 3 barrels for a total of 2000 gallons sitting on concrete. Letter said that I would have to put up a berm around the tanks with a liner on the bottom, if I understood right. OK, am I going to have to have the fuel supplier come out and empty the barrels so I can pick them up to put this liner on the bottom, and then also line the dirt berm? Also, it's got to be done by May 10th?, if I don't have enough other things going on this time of the spring. Also it was mentioned about a plan on file???????

Enlighten me and make it as easy as possible........d:-)

Edited by trakman 4/2/2013 19:58
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