| Would love to see that. These combines have such a fascinating history behind them, and as someone who takes a lot of interest in machinery history, this is one machine that has a story with several chapters. It was an enormous breakthrough for combine capacity in its day, and there was 20 years of product development work that preceded the machine's introduction in 1979. Original work was begun by Cockshutt which secured funding from the Canadian government to help subsidize some of the development costs. Work continued and escalated under the ownership of White Motor in the 60s and 70s, and the company was experimenting with some pretty advanced concepts including a rotary cleaning system. In short it was always a great design that had the misfortune of introduction in tough economic times and being under the ownership of faltering White Motor which is a saga all its own, the once giant of the trucking industry and diversified behemoth was hit very hard by the downturn of the truck market in the late 70s and when farm equipment sales slumped in the early 80s, it was a one-two punch from which they couldn't recover. | |