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Posted 3/4/2013 17:00 (#2941671 - in reply to #2935212)
Subject: That manuever would have been called a slip.

Lantry, SD
mennoboy - 3/1/2013 16:20

The part of that story that I find interesting is that they had trouble judging how fast to come in for the landing because the distance was a bit of an unknown. The pilot realized he was coming in too fast and did a manouvre that sounded like he put the plane somewhat sideways while gliding to increase the drag. He had apparantly learned the manouvre in pilot's training on a small plane years before and pulled it off in a big jet.

I believe it was a bunch of drag racers that were using the runway at Gimili.

The manuever that he did would most likely have been a slip, which is basically rolling the plane on one side and applying opposite rudder to raise the nose of the aircraft even more in relation to the ground. It feels like you are dropping like a rock when you do this, but your airspeed doesn't increase.

Edited by dnkag 3/4/2013 17:01
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