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Units of measure
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Posted 3/2/2013 11:53 (#2936675 - in reply to #2934992)
Subject: Re: Units of measure

Mankato MN; Casa Grande AZ
I always like to figure out the conversions of other currencies and units of measure in my head.
On a recent trip to Brazil, we had the real per liter at gas stations. $2. Reais= $4 / gallon US.
Mexico has the peso valued at $.08/US so I estimate 12 pesos = $4 US per gallon.

The old seedcorn pocket tablets had many farm math conversions. We didn't have pocket calculators, so many of us learned to calculate areas, volume, distances, and conversion in our heads.
Same with metric, if you get 100 mm of rain, think of a pack of 100 mm cigarettes= 5 inches.
Centigrade= 1.8 degrees, starting at 32. 10C= 50 F, 20C= 68F, and so on.

Good luck!
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