THANKS! One of the problem I think we have is the 466 has been around a long time, but there have been different versions. So "Yeah we had a problem like that" may not be doing us any good. I have to get some "Honey Do" stuff done this morning but may spend the afternoon with the red beast again just tracing wires and checking connections and a couple other ideas. I'm beginning to think we are chasing 2 or more different gremlins instead of just 1 simple problem. Yesterday the Chief decided to pump the hand primer before trying to start it. (Why? Haven't a clue. Just thought it might be a good idea.) Fired right up and ran for 15 minutes until the shut the truck off. So ... Did it really make a difference, is fuel leaking off, did he bump a wire while pumping it, did raising the hood shake a relay, is there a pressure sensor either failing or indicating a real problem,... this could make a bald man pull his hair. |