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Units of measure
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Gary Lyon
Posted 3/1/2013 23:45 (#2935934 - in reply to #2935363)
Subject: RE: Units of measure

Southeast Wyoming

Sheep Herder - 3/1/2013 18:30

The English system has worked fine all these years, so why did we ever let the auto and ag industry shove the metric system on us.   I've always said that anyone who didn't like the English system in this country was welcome to pack up a white flag and move to France.

I agree.

What country was the first to put a man on the moon?  The metric system is part of the dumbing down of the United States.  IF they are not smart enough to figure out that 4/16 is the same as 1/4 how are they going to be smart enough to advance in the world?

Someone else brought up the 10 hour clocks.  What about the number of degrees in a circle?  Are we substituting smart phones for brains in this country?  Can we no longer think?   Does it all have to be laid out on a table in front of us before we can figure it out and put it together?

Oh, what do these metric countries use for a ratchet wrench?  My standard and metric sockets all go on a 1/4", 3/8", 1/2" or 3/4" drive ratchet or breakover bar.  Once all this conversion is complete will I need to replace all of my sockets and drives to fit a metric drive?  Or are mine "close enough"?

Choosing to not conform with less developed systems in the world does not mean that we are arrogant.  We lead the world as they beat a path to our shores to take up and copy our ways,.

Yes, metric is here to stay; I don't see it as improvement, but merely a way for those who are too lazy or ignorant to learn to get by until they can go onto full government assistance.

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