halfway between Lapeer and Port Huron, MI | Mike, if your check engine light is not on there probably aren't any important codes if it is you can take flash codes from it via the engine diagnostics button with the key on engine off they will flash through the warn engine light have pen and paper ready they flash quick all codes are 3 digit 3 flashes=3, 2=2, 4=4 hence code 324. Check voltage at the relays on the firewall in the engine comp. if auto trans will be 3 of them center one is the ECM should be labeled, if man trans will be 2 the one on the right the left is the starter relay. the red/pink and white heavy gauge wire to the ECM relay are the ones from the batt box check for voltage there. many times a bad cam sensor will not log a code and every one of them seems to act different. We chased one onetime that had so many codes that there couldn't be that many bad sensors, they said cam sensor bad changed it then it still said it was bad and even said wrong sensor for ecm drove us nuts called IH they laughed and said we had the same thing 2 days ago, told us to unplug all the 3 wire sensors one at a time and try to start except cam sensor, 2nd one we unplugged it started and ran sensor shorted out and corrupted the comm signal to the ECM. sorry for rambling but there is no other way to explain Good Luck! |