swohio | I've had a 5288 for 7 years. It is the corn planting tractor and was the graincart tractor untill the 3788 came along 2 years ago. I really like mine. I redid the cab, just has gotten new paint. Put in a air ride seat, that really is nice. This tractor is for me is just a joy to drive all day. I'am sure there are newer ones that are much nicer, but for my operation, it fits the bill. I've heard that some times when cold that the transmission doesn't like to shift real well untill warmed up a bit but I have never had that. To me it is no differant than any other tractor of it's age, look for one that looks to have been taken care of. There are quite afew 5088's around here that are used all the time. I would buy another one in a heartbeat. I know they are getting up in age to be used as a main tractor, but I am able to work on it my self, and my 5288 has been very reliable. | |