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IH 88 series tractors
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Posted 2/28/2013 20:59 (#2933504 - in reply to #2933332)
Subject: RE: IH 88 series tractors

I'll be brutally honest. PITA to clean radiator and chessey fan bearing. Parts, especially cosmetic and transmission parts, are getting hard to find, some discontinued, and stupid expensive. MFDs have pivot point issues, most are undergreased and wore into the center casting, an all but impossible fix and forsure extremely expensive. 5088s had light differentials, but many/most were fixed/updated. Sentry system (primitive computer for controlling/monitoring shift harshness and clutch pressures in the two-speed shift) can be tempermental. Park lever was designed by Where's Waldo and is hidden underneath the seat on the opposite side of the shift levers, to make sure hired men can't find it, ensuring that the side of your rear-end housing will blow out.

Okay on to the positives-- 4 more inches leg room than the 86s. No levers to trip over getting in the LH cab door. Some or most had tilt steering. Great hydraulics for its day, like 20-some gal a minute PFC. Syncronized tranny, but still not totally idiot proof and they forgot they forgot to put syncronizers in reverse gear. I think all 5088s had dual shaft 540/1000 pto. All in all a pretty good tractor, and I'd definately take one over a 4440.

They were a growing pains tractor. Most will say a big improvement over an 86 series, but no wheres near a Magnum. If you want a touch more comfort, a little easier shifting, and better hydraulics than an 86 series, but can't afford a Magnum, then this is your tractor.

IMHO, if I had a choice between a mint late 1086 for $15k or a mint 5088 for $20k, I think I'd pick the 10. Yes I'm wierd.

Edited by jalopy 2/28/2013 21:03
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