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Need help with an IH 4700 with a 466E
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Mike SE IL
Posted 2/28/2013 20:43 (#2933433 - in reply to #2932131)
Subject: Thought I had it ...WRONG

West Union, Illinois

I spent the afternoon crawling around and under the truck looking, disconnecting and reconnecting.  I thought I had it.  The cables in the battery box had some corrosion inside the connectors, especially the ones the 14 gauge wires to the ECM went to. (see photo below)  I cut the wires, cleaned them up and soldered them to a new 3/8 ring terminal. Along with 3 other guys we looked and poked and prodded and decided maybe that was it.Truck fired up ... for maybe 2 seconds then died.

May I pause here and say grawlix was not the term used at this time.

One of our guys called a friend in Indy who is a diesel mechanic.  His suggestion is it sounds like a crankshaft sensor.  He says a camshaft sensor would probably let it run, just poorly.

We do not have the equipment to reade error codes.  We're more or less 50 miles to the nearest dealer.


(IMG12445 (Small).jpg)

(IMG12447 (Small).jpg)

(IMG12444 (Small).jpg)

Attachments IMG12445 (Small).jpg (31KB - 1410 downloads)
Attachments IMG12447 (Small).jpg (29KB - 1306 downloads)
Attachments IMG12444 (Small).jpg (27KB - 1287 downloads)
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