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IH 88 series tractors
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Posted 2/28/2013 20:24 (#2933382 - in reply to #2933340)
Subject: Re: IH 88 series tractors

We have had two 5088's, one as a 2WD and one a FWA with a loader. I really liked those tractors, huge improvement over the 86 series with respect to transmission shifting. We put lots of hours on both, with a lot of PTO work running square balers. The reverse air being pulled through the top of the hood had some issues in dry straw baling because of the collection of chaff on top of the screen--BUT you could at least see that it was plugging. Fan bearings were probably the biggest inconvenience to change due to the shaft going through the rad. All in all, I would run them again if I had need for one now.
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