southern MN | Nothing wrong with taking a vacation, I find that helpful for myself as well. Be nice when you come back.
I find your marketing info strong-willed. A small bit 'in your face'.
That is not a bad thing! It allows you to present your opinion of things in a short, to the point manner.
I do not agree with every word you say on marketing. I hope you find that to be a good thing?
I do find your words interesting, and thought provoking, and informational. Certainly enjoy them. I rarely comment, as I have nothing of value to add. Hopefully you find this to be a good thing too.
The trouble is when other strong willed folks disagree with you. Kinda builds up,a little head butting. Hopefully all sides can continue on with their messages, all of which are important to a quiet fella like me, and just present their opinion, let the chips fall where they may, and not get too worried about contrary opinions.
As to the anti-gmo stuff, that probably isn't very much market related. It certainly is of farmer concern, and is being debated a lot in other sections of this forum..... If you understand perhaps 90% of the crops planted by the farmers on this forum is gmo crop, you might understand that an anti-gmo opinion is going to meet some resistance........ Many have been usurping those crops for over 20 years, and see many benefits to them. So far the negative media hype appears to be based on bad science, politics, or a monetary agenda to sell some books or other personal gain. If you look deeper into the anti-gmo stuff you are reading..... Many of the 'solutions' coming from the anti-gmo side have been tried and failed, or just make things worse instead of better. Be careful of joining a cause based on feeling and emotions rather than sound science.
To be sure it is good to always be watchful of what is going on, and there is nothing we humans do that is 100% safe. Questioning things and trying to find better answers is a good thing.
But if you want to change the world, you have to be prepared to be questioned pretty hard on what, why, what for?
See you around the block in a bit. ;)
Paul | |