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Old Ford Combine PIC
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Posted 1/25/2008 06:45 (#292514 - in reply to #292505)
Subject: Claas 105

Here is the model 105 which we bought prior to the 1975 harvest. Harvesting Red Fescue here in 1975.
I wonder whether it was also sold by Ford.

It was a super harvester for its time. And, as things turned out, it proved to be a very ruggedly built machine. The sturdiest harvester I have operated to this day. My best description: Bulletproof.

My only complaint was the huge consumption of lubricating oil by its Mercedes engine. Around 5 quarts in 10 hours and it did not change any during the 2200 hours we operated it.

Simply put bulletproof.


(RRRdsvingelhhhst 1975 (700 x 437).jpg)

Attachments RRRdsvingelhhhst 1975 (700 x 437).jpg (96KB - 713 downloads)
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