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Jd 4050 and 4250
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Posted 2/14/2013 18:45 (#2899371 - in reply to #2898599)
Subject: Re: Jd 4050 and 4250

4040's were the last ag tractors to use a 404D engine and were 4020/4230 family drive train components. 4240's used 466D engines and shared the longer frame rails/hood/taller fuel tank and sheet metal that was common to the 4430's. Early 4050's were basically a 4240, same 466D engine, but could be had with MFWD and 15 speed Power-Shift shift transmisson. They were the last non turbo charged tractors built at Waterloo. The sheet metal was still the 4430/4240 stuff. The late 4050 used 4250 sheet metal parts with the 359T engine . All 4250's used the 466T engine and taller 4630/4440 sheet metal with the air cleaner under the hood and the larger fuel tank. 4450 shared the 4250 style metal but had the wider/heavier final drives of the 4440. 4055/4255/4455 tractors were updated to the 6076T engines with all having the same sheet metal/hood/fuel tank and etc. 4440/4450/4455 all have the heavy final drive in common. All 50 and 55 series tractors were improved in the hydraulics.
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