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Jd 4050 and 4250
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Virginia Veg.
Posted 2/14/2013 18:36 (#2899354 - in reply to #2899278)
Subject: More than just nicer.

Eastern VA. No such thing as too many Magnums.
4430 had the 404, 4250 had a 466, that gave it a lot more low end. Also they hydraulics on the 50s were much more capable, both flow and 3 pt capacity. 50s also had the 15 speed powershift option. But I would agree, a 4430 can do practically everything a 4250 can do, unless the 50 had MFWD. And the real late 30s weren't so bad for starting hard compared to the early 30s. Once they went to the vacuum controlled injection pumps, it helped a lot.

To the original poster, I would much rather have the 4250 than a 4050.
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