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Jd 4050 and 4250
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Posted 2/14/2013 18:06 (#2899278 - in reply to #2899209)
Subject: Re: 4250 is really just a nice, updated, good-starting 4430.

jtpfarm - 2/14/2013 16:29

ezzard - 2/14/2013 15:44

jtpfarm - 2/14/2013 12:24

A 4250 is pretty much a 4450 with no turbo when it comes to HP.

4250's had a turbo. Had one years ago dyno at 155 from the factory, ran it at 185 with no problems. Like KTA said, most 4050's did not have a turbo.

Really I didnt know that. They must have changed that after the 40 series. Did the 4250 have a turbo?

4250 is a "nicer" 4430 (466 turbo). I've had one "forever", starts unplugged until 10 degrees.
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