| Posted 11/16/2012 07:22 (#2699973)
Subject: Ukranian corn and China
"The potential of China as a consumer of grain crops, particularly corn, has been steadily increasing, and Ukraine, along with other major exporters such as Brazil and Argentina, can cover the needs of China in this regard," said Oleg Bakhmatyuk, chairman of the board of UkrLandFarming, the largest agricultural company in Ukraine.
china's import tariff quota this year is 6 million tons; next year say possibly 8 million tons.
25% cheaper than U.S. corn and say it's not genetically modified
(2012-2013)12.5 million tonnes export potential...already 3 million tonnes exported to foreign markets
Edit: to view links, you need to return to original post as I don't think the transfer allow to work. So, go back to 11/16/2012 link if you want to read, ja. Ja, we are global. Gottlieb
Edited by Gottlieb 2/6/2013 08:52
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