Camp Douglas Wi. 40miles nw of wi. dells | We been feeding holstein steers for 35 years on self feeders, back when we started, it was just the bull calfs that we got from our milk cows after we sold the cows in 1997 we converted the old dairy barn to feed steers then added a new barn in 2002, we run 170 head a year, bye them at 450-500 lbs feed to 1450-1500 lbs, we bye all the feeders in feb-mar sell from nov-feb, they are here on feed about 330 days feed 100 bu of corn & pellets, round bale 5'x6' corn stalks & some old grass hay down in river bottom fields about 400 bales a year for bedding. The trick is to not give them good hay as they take longer to finest, eat to much corn. We start hauling the fats out in nov when the first ones are fat wt about 1300 but they got to look like pigs, we haul 10 a week ontill all are sold as they get fat, some holsteins finesh at 1300 but most are 1450 to 1500. |