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Going organic
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Posted 1/10/2013 23:05 (#2814088 - in reply to #2813954)
Subject: RE: Going organic,pesticide residue

Kooiker - 1/10/2013 19:59
I was asking why the consumer bothers with it.

You think you are smarter than many consumers and they are wrong?
Even admitting industrialized agriculture has no impact on our health (just look at the American health reports and you can see how this can fly), the consumer might still want to encourage practices that benefit the soil, the health of farmers and the environment. It's not the one or the other, it's both sides.

Kooiker - 1/10/2013 19:59
I just can't lie to myself that it is better than conventional or a benefit to society in any way, shape, or form.

Your opinion and own right entirely. Millions of organic farmers or consumers worldwide beg to think otherwise and would say you are lying to yourself. There is ample proof over the years that monocultures, chemicals and otherwise industrialization of the agribusiness are simply not conductive to a great human health, and they're definitely not even looking at animal or plant health. Look at dairy cows constantly under rBST and antibiotics, or today's line of pesticides based on Agent Orange and DDT or worse. Isn't even no-till just a way to repair decades of damages from bad practices causing erosion? If not, the only reason left to justify no-till would be to reduce the number of passes on the ground, not because farmers are lazy, but because economical conditions push them to grow more and more land per hand. Less passes mean less compaction too, but that was never a main goal, just a positive side-effect.

For me, I think organic farming is better in multiple regards, but I would never hold judgement on organic or conventional farmers or consumers like you do. Everybody is free to make up their own mind and live their own lives, up to the point where it affects others. In my opinion, it's a pity that some practices pollute underground water, the environment or even our bodies, but at least the most outrageous pollutions are controlled by the EPA, FDA, USDA and what not, so I don't want to condemn or kill conventional just because I prefer organics, even though the ag lobbies weigh heavily on these supposedly regulating agencies.

Edited by Chimel 1/10/2013 23:17
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