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John Deere 8630, 8640, 8650
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Steiger Man
Posted 7/15/2006 23:20 (#26952 - in reply to #26897)
Subject: RE: John Deere 8630, 8640, 8650

Sunburst Montana
I tend to lean towards Versatile and Steiger just because they are cheaper to overhaul. Today I would never buy a used JD 30/40/50 series. That being said our 950 Versatile blew up at 3,000 hrs and our neighbor's NH 9882 that has just over 4,000 hrs just got sent down the road yesterday due to a knock in the engine. But I look across my field and see my neighbor's JD 8850 with almost 8,000 untouched hrs still going. They have another one with 4,700 hrs and it hasn't been worked on. Have seen several other 30-50 series with high hrs and no problems. The Deeres will last as long if not worked extremely hard. IMO they can't as much abuse as the Steigers and Versatiles due to their designs.
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