N FLA | Not sure if there is a question in there for me HayWilson. But I suspect you are right. Fungi and bacteria both have pH, and indirectly Ca, optima we know that. I also believe that these same myc fungi association exist on your soils, maybe not any part of growing forage for economic return though. If you remember, buckwheat is the one that is most heralded for unlocking bound phosphate. That is through fungi.
Not saying all the answers are here, obviously I cant grow 200 b corn on our sand w cec=4 and 0.5% OM. W/O added N. Actually can without additional P though. Just some pieces if anyone is working on this puzzle.
On the brassica. Means to me any nutrients they take up are through mass flow or other non fungal association. Also meansif a goal of cover crops is to increase fungi, then need to include host plants.
Edited by puff33m 11/12/2012 18:56
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