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Baling Corn Stalks (Pic's)
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Posted 11/2/2012 00:24 (#2673583 - in reply to #2673245)
Subject: Re: Baling Corn Stalks (Pic's)

KLo - 11/1/2012 21:15
I am really surprised you can bale with the 4020. I tried baling with my 4010 once and blew the pto to heck.

I've got a 4010 and and a 4020. The PTO design in the 4010 is a pile of crap. Aside from upping the motor, re-designing the PTO assembly was probably the biggest improvement with the 20 series tractors. There are good reasons that those old 4020s sell for about twice as much as 4010s. It probably wasn't the baling the wrecked your PTO; As I recall there's a pin in the PTO assembly that wears/breaks and engages the 540 and 1000 rpm gearing at the same time. Not a good scenario when you're running at PTO RPMS :)
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